Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the amazing universe

I must say that I am really blown away by the intense beauty of the world. the natural wonders, the complexity of every living thing. the colors, the sounds, the textures, the smells. and while I cannot say for certain whether I experience these sensations in the same way that you do, I am confident that there is no denying the beauty of not only this planet, but the entire universe. I am often overwhelmed by this, but I would rather be overwhelmed than go through my day to day life without paying any mind to these things.

I am frustrated and saddened by the fact that I will not be able to see the entire world. it's impossible. yet this will not stop me from soaking up every bit of it that I can. it is certainly not only the natural world that I refer to, there are also cultural and abstract wonders. beautiful artwork, architecture, music, things that are, on their own, incredible... but what is even more striking is the fact that the human mind conceived and created these things.

with all this in mind, I feel so incredibly lucky to be alive - and the simple act of being introduces an entirely new set of amazement - human thought and human emotion, that while expressed in words and artwork, can never be fully materialized. if you think about it, no matter how much you write, or paint, or sing, the state of your heart and mind will never be duplicated. this is also somewhat distressing, but there is comfort in a sort of universal human spirit which has endured for thousands of years.

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