Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the cocoon

a few days ago a couple of caterpillars were scoping out the woodwork of my patio. shortly thereafter, i come home to find one beginning to spin a cocoon in the corner of a ledge. my inner kindergarten biologist found the whole act incredible, watching the creature with a sense of wonder i won't soon discard. the next morning, it was there - the cocoon. i'm sure it worked all night to weave such a structure in which its metamorphosis will take, is taking, place.

a few minutes of research informed me that i can expect a rather dull looking moth to emerge within a few weeks. it will begin the mating cycle, lay eggs if it is female, and then die. sounds like such a dismal existence. it's silly, but i wonder if the moth has memory. i wonder if it remembers life as a caterpillar at all. if it has thoughts, or if it dreams. the fact that all species of moths and butterflies exist for such a short time and seemingly devote their existence to propagating the species is remarkable to me.

every second, so many changes are happening on earth, right down to the tiniest molecule. it often seems so off-kilter, but upon closer inspection it amazes me how synchronized it all is. it gives me a new perspective on life and the universe. it is so easy to forget these small wonders in our own day to day activities.

i could choose to make this a metaphor about my own life, but i choose not to.

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